Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Student Book

Young Adult/Adult - SŠ, dospělí

Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Student Book

Běžná cena: 382,- Kč
Vaše cena: 267,- Kč

Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Student Book

Autor: Harris Michael, Mower David

EAN kód: 9780582421332
ISBN kód: 0-582-42133-0
Nakladatel: Longman
Vydáno: 2004
Počet stran: 128
Rozměr: 210 x 295 mm
Stav: Nové zboží
Vazba: Měkká vazba
Foto nebo ilustrace: Barevné
Popis stavu: Nová, nepoužitá kniha, nepatrné kosmetické vady od skladování

* Grammar focus lessons guide students through the language and give thorough grammar practice. * Skills focus lessons and communication workshops provide a solid skills base. * Learning strategies throughout teach students how to become independent learners. * Culture corners give students a taste of life in the English speaking world. * Regular use of the FREE Mini-Dictionary extends students vocabulary further. * Graded activities in the Language Powerbook provide practice for students of mixed levels.

Dostupnost: skladem celkem 2 ks, odesíláme do 24 hodin

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